Fighting Childhood Hunger in the US

Here at Platterful, we want to be constantly aware of the fact that our ability to enjoy luxuries like charcuterie boards is just that... a luxury. There are millions of people, and more heartbreakingly, millions of children across the United States who go to bed hungry every night.
At Platterful we're making a promise to combat childhood hunger in the United States with every box we sell.
1 kit shipped = 10 meals donated
That's our promise. Simple as that. We promise that for every Platterful kit shipped, we're going to donate a portion of the proceeds to awesome organizations fighting childhood hunger - enough to supply 10 meals to children in need. The best part? The more boxes you buy, the more we donate.
Buy a 3 month subscription? 30 meals donated.
6 month subscription? You guessed it. 60 meals donated.
At the end of each month, we total up all of the boxes purchased that month and update the above counter. Make sure to check back to see how we're doing!

Want to do more to end childhood hunger or want to learn more about the specifics behind our charitable giving? Please reach out to and we'd be happy to connect you to some awesome organizations directly and answer any of your questions!